Launching a platform—and a brand—for smarter giving. 


Building the story for donors and nonprofits to see each other more clearly.

Knitt creates partnerships between businesses and nonprofits seeking funding for their causes in the communities they serve. Knitt accomplishes this by empowering the discovery, nurturing, and building of relationships between businesses and nonprofits based on common values, beliefs, and an overarching mission to give back. The platform offers a wide range of digital tools to help plan, track, and account for corporate giving. 

We went in asking for a new website. We left with a redefined brand, clear messaging, and a fresh perspective on what makes us unique. Funny how you don’t know what you really need until you work with true experienced professionals who care...and they are amazing at what they do.

Founder, CEO Knitt – Lisa Munter

The Challenge:

Knitt had a meaningful yet complicated story to tell, and they were trying to tell it without clear messaging or an effective website structure. They were expecting prospects to understand what it was and why they needed it. Their website was a landing page that spoke only to who Knitt was, instead of explaining the problem they solve. As a result, their primary challenge was getting prospects to quickly understand Knitt’s mission—and how they could help.

The Strategy:

We conducted an analysis of their then-current website, identity, messaging, and target segments to provide a strategic marketing plan. We conducted interviews with nonprofits and donors to gain a better understanding of the issues they faced and how Knitt was positioned to solve them. Our strategy focused on reframing the Knitt brand story to an outside-to-in approach: clear messaging that spoke to the problem and benefit first, and the product second.
We created a more effective, more robust website to lead the prospect into that valuable story.

The Outcome:

By simplifying their messaging to a singular focus—giving just got smarter—and centering their new identity and website around that, we were able to solve their main challenge of mission understanding. (The key to success in marketing complex products or brands is creating clarity around the things you make possible—not the things you make.) With a more prospect-centered visual style and structure, their new website was built to attract, educate, and engage more effectively. Website:

It is hard to put into words how impactful they truly are, but it is well worth the money if you are looking to grow or scale your business in this competitive market.

Founder, CEO Knitt – Lisa Munter

How can we help you focus on what you make possible?

Is your brand or product story complicated—or non-existent? Are you trying to manage expectations? Or do you just like to talk?

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