Logo Trends for 2012
Created by Bill Gardner, LogoLounge.com is an inspirational resource we’ve been using for years to help with the initial stages of research for every logo project. Each year, they study thousands of logos and hand-pick the ones they believe have emerged as up and coming trends. The resulting annual Trend Report is a great way to gain valuable insight into what’s going on in the world of logo design; it’s also a great way to review really cool work.
Trends can eventually have a negative impact in the world of design as the solution becomes overly used or copied (remember the swoosh, over-the-top arc, and 3D bubble effect?) but great logos tend to lead these trends, not follow them.
We really like the Icon Clusters and the Transparent Links, but we also have an affinity for the Sprout trend, too. : ) Which logo trends do you like and what categories do you think they’ve left out?
See the 2012 Logo Trends here: http://www.logolounge.com/article.asp?aid=llPo