What we think.

Fresh perspectives and musings from Marjoram

Don’t Burn Down Your B2B Corporate Website Yet

Set the Stage for an Impactful Refresh of Your Industrial or Ingredient Brand Site  Your corporate website is your flagship digital marketing instrument. Are you using it to its full potential?  Too few B2B industrial and ingredient brands take sufficient advantage of the substantial digital marketing capabilities their websites offer. Your site should actively help…


Why You Should Embrace a More Consultative Approach to B2B Marketing 

In a highly competitive marketplace, companies providing industrial and ingredient B2B solutions must focus on delivering value your competitors can’t. Brands that adopt a more consultative approach — establishing themselves as expert providers of solutions, rather than just makers of products — stand a better chance of creating more meaningful, lasting and profitable customer relationships. …


Overcome Corporate Website Constraints to Market Effectively 

Overcome Corporate Website Constraints to Market Effectively

Does your corporate website help you market your product solutions? For many B2B marketers, or at least those willing to offer an honest opinion, the answer is often a firm “no.” A corporate website serves a number of purposes for ingredient and industrial brands in the B2B sector. The site unifies numerous divisions, products and…


How B2B Brands Can Use Video Content Marketing (On Any Budget)

How Industrial Brands can use video

There’s a reason video content is highly compelling. Science says that 65% of us are visual learners. And our brains process images – moving or still – 60,000 times faster than text. Simply put, it’s just easier to get attention with video. Marketers have known this for quite a while. According to a 2022 State…


How to Win Internal Approval for Your B2B Product Messaging Campaigns

B2B Product Messaging Campaign Approval

Imagine that feeling in the pit of your stomach when a pitch you’ve sunk considerable time and resources into has just crashed and burned. Maybe you don’t have to imagine. If you’ve been a part of a marketing pitch gone wrong, you remember the experience viscerally.  The reason a lot of product marketing strategies fail…


Why Your B2B Product Messaging Must Lead with Benefits Over Features 

Good marketing simply meets the customer where they are. But great marketing brings with it a compelling argument that helps your product stand out from the rest.  A product feature list, no matter how nicely presented, just doesn’t cut it.  Bottom line: It’s the story that sells. You can make the most technically sound product…


Make Your Creative Bench Deep Enough to Support Your Brand 

How deep is your creative bench?

Large industrial brands have considerable marketing and creative needs. These needs can’t be met solely by internal marketing teams. In fact, they shouldn’t be.  An outside perspective is invaluable in marketing.  Managing your portfolio of marketing needs requires a balancing act between developing and optimizing your internal marketing resources and supplementing your needs with trusted,…


Room for Interpretation? How Flexibility in Brand Guidelines Helps Product Messaging

Brand Flexibility

Brand guidelines are created for a reason. A few very good reasons, actually.  Branding efforts help your company define an identity and stand out from the pack. And brand standards and guidelines make certain that your organization is presented in a systematic and easily recognizable manner.  Your company does many different things and talks to…


Beyond Personas: Understanding your audience so well, it’s like you read their mind.

What’s the difference between knowing your audience, and understanding them?

If you’re like us, you’re now spending most of your working hours at home. During this time of home-based social distancing, you might be running into your neighbors a bit more than usual. If you know your neighbor, you can quickly summarize the most basic information about them if asked: name, profession, marital status, number…


Are You an Ingredient Brand?

Ingredient Brands: The things that make things better. What they are, why it matters, and how to market them more effectively.

Are You an Ingredient Brand?

To put it plainly, “ingredients” are the parts or components (chips, adhesives, algorithms) that power a product (computers, packaging, search).


Fresh Perspectives

A newsletter we send every Friday to share our ramblings, perspectives, thoughts, and rants on all things B2B branding, messaging and marketing.

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